Drop Your Sword: Letting God Fight Your Battles by Marion Grace

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Drop Your Sword, Letting God Fight Your Battles

Victory is not always in the absence of a situation but in its powerlessness to affect you.

We win when we operate above it and know who we are- when we learn how to stand still in the knowledge that Jesus has already won for us. God gives us clear instructions about recognizing the enemy in John 10:10. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. This criterion will help us identify the situation ninety-nine percent of the time.

Believe me, when I was lying in a hospital bed diagnosed with final stage bone marrow cancer, as well as unbearable emotional pain, I knew the identity of the battle. There was no mystery as to the stealing, killing, and destroying characteristics of this situation. There are many levels of attacks from life and death, like mine was, to financial hardships, serious relationship struggles, people coming against you, and thought life challenges, just to name a few. This is common to all of us.

Many Christians are facing a mountain in their lives right now that they desperately want, and need, to be moved (let’s be honest--mountain ranges, right?). We lift our eyes to God and cry out in self-pity, “Why God, why?” I know this so well -- I have been there many times. I believe most of us have faith and our hearts are sincere before the Lord but the problem is that we are wielding the wrong sword, beating the air, and tiring ourselves out. The world says to fight for your rights and make sure you are looking after your own interests. I am sure we are all familiar with and have used the phrase, What about me; what about me!

The thing is, in God’s economy there is little room for self-focus. When it’s just woe is me; me, me, me you will not get far. In the Bible, the only sword we are told to fight with is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. God’s ways are always opposite the world’s and will never seem to make sense to or pamper our flesh and self. My friends lay down your heavy, war-torn sword and walk with me as I cast some light through experience and success on God’s amazing plan for winning your battles. This is a book for those who have always suspected, or known, that there is more to this Christian life than just enduring trials with humility for Jesus. It is for those who, like me, would rather smash through them in a blaze of glory, triumph, and joy while leaving them in the dust. Mine is a perspective that trials are an empowerment opportunity; the joy of the end result overshadowing any temporary pain.

You, my friend, have a power position that will send the devil running for cover in utter frustration and leave you laughing hilariously. Lets begin.