Receive Mode

My husband has complained to me about something he sees more and more prevalent in the workplace. He sees people just sitting there, waiting for someone to give them everything they need to do their job and hand them every bit of information they need before they will do what they are supposed to. He calls this ‘receive mode’ and it really bugs him. We are part of the old school thinking in which we can get up and go find what we need and can do our own digging for information we need. It’s called helping yourself and showing initiative.

I know this happens in marriages as well. Here I go meddling again. How often do we wait for our spouse to make the first move because we feel we are in the right? What happens if you both feel you are in the right and no one does anything? There could be a lot of cold, wasted nights. If left too long, you will begin to feel resentment toward the one you think should be doing something. This can lead to a wall of division that can be very difficult to break down.

I wonder how many of us are like that with God? Do we sit there waiting to see what God is going to do? Do we ask Him for more of His presence then sit there and wait for Him to show up? I think we will be waiting a long time and end up disappointed- or even angry with God. God says in his word that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8) and that He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). If you want more of God, do not waste your time just asking…go after God. Show some spiritual initiative. God loves it when His children pursue Him like a deer pants for water. He is looking for those kinds of worshippers and I for one want to be among those.


In His Image


Without Rival